Found 1,269 phrases starting with H: Page #22


hormone therapyhormone replacement therapyRate it:
horned uphornyRate it:
horror filmscary movieRate it:
horror showA horror movie or television show or other performance which depicts gruesome, horrible, or disgusting events, especially in a vividly visual manner.Rate it:
horror showA horrifying, appalling, or sickening experience, set of events, or visual spectacle.Rate it:
horror storyAn unpleasant or distressing experience told as a story.Rate it:
horse and rabbit stewA mixture of the crude and the delicate in grossly unequal quantities, with the crude overwhelmingly dominant.Rate it:
horse aroundTo play or fiddle; to clown; to do nothing of importance or consequence.Rate it:
horse of a different colorAn unrelated or only incidentally related matter with distinctly different significance.Rate it:
Horse of a Different ColourTotally different from something, to come out different from what is being observedRate it:
horse operaA theatrical production, film, or program on radio or television depicting adventures of characters in the American Old West; a western.Rate it:
horse operaAn equestrian show, as in a circus.Rate it:
horse pillA medicinal pill which is very large in size and is therefore difficult for a person to swallow.Rate it:
horse pillA fact, proposal, claim, etc. that is difficult to accept or believe.Rate it:
horse playTo fool aroundRate it:
horse puckyNonsense; feces.Rate it:
horse senseCommon sense, especially with a connotation of folk wisdom independent from, and trumping, formal education.Rate it:
horse shit!An untruth; an exaggeration; a lie. Syn: Bullshit; a load of shit.Rate it:
horse's assA jerk; an unpleasant, unlikable person; an asshole.Rate it:
horse's assA thing or person which is visually unappealing.Rate it:
horse's mouthSource; someone who directly experienced or witnessed something.Rate it:
horsefeathersAbsolute nonsense; poppycockRate it:
horses for coursesA person suited for one job may not be suited for another job, regardless of their expertise in the former job.Rate it:
horses for coursesThe practice of choosing the best person for a particular job.Rate it:
horsetradeto negotiate informally, especially when bargaining or reciprocal concessions are included, frequently regarding politicsRate it:
horsetradingInformal negotiating, especially when complex or clever in nature.Rate it:
horsetradingPresent participle of horsetrade.Rate it:
hose downTo spray thoroughly with a hose.Rate it:
hose downTo put out or reduce a fire by squirting water on the fire with a hose.Rate it:
hose downTo calm down a person, or a situation.Rate it:
hospital passA poorly executed pass to a team-mate causing the receiver to present an easy target for a defender, and thus be tackled hard.Rate it:
hospital passA throw that stays in the air long enough that it allows too many people to get underneath it, increasing the risk of injury and a trip to the hospital. Thus, a hospital pass.Rate it:
hospital passAn unwinnable case, often passed to a newly-qualified member of the firm.Rate it:
hospital passExempting one from regular activities, to instead visit a hospital.Rate it:
hostess with the mostestA good hostessRate it:
hot airboastful talkRate it:
hot airempty talkRate it:
hot and botheredaroused, especially sexuallyRate it:
hot and botheredaggravated or irritatedRate it:
hot and coldAmbivalent; having conflicting emotions.Rate it:
hot and heavyEnthusiastic.Rate it:
hot and heavyPassionate.Rate it:
hot buttonA central issue, concern or characteristic, especially one that motivates people to make a choice.Rate it:
hot buttonThe principal desire that a salesman needs to "hit" in order to make a sale.Rate it:
hot chocolatewarm drinkRate it:
hot cross bunsgood friday cakesRate it:
hot damn!It is usually used when one is very much pleased/excited.Rate it:
hot deskingThe working practice of sharing desks or workstations between workers, as a means of saving space and resources.Rate it:
hot dogsausage in a rollRate it:
hot dogfrankfurter in a rollRate it:

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The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy ____.
A pig
B horse
C dog
D cow