Found 1,269 phrases starting with H: Page #20


holla atTo express romantic or sexual interest in a woman.Rate it:
hollow outTo make something hollow.Rate it:
hollow outTo become hollowRate it:
hollow outTo reduce the power or influence of something.Rate it:
Hollywood momentAn act of great drama.Rate it:
holy catfishExpression of terror, awe, surprise, astonishment, etc.Rate it:
holy cowAn exclamation of surprise or astonishment.Rate it:
holy crapAn expression of amazement: holy cow, holy shit.Rate it:
holy crap on a crackerEmphatic form of holy crap.Rate it:
holy crap on a stickEmphatic form of holy crap.Rate it:
holy cricketIn shock, terrified, etc. Saying it that will make you almost petrified or Stunned.Rate it:
holy cricketsAn expression of surprise or astonishment.Rate it:
holy fuckExpression of terror, awe, surprise, shock, etc., often at something seen for the first time or remembered immediately before using this term.Rate it:
holy macaroniAn expression of surprise.Rate it:
holy mackerelAn expression of surprise.Rate it:
holy mackinawInterjection of joy and astonishment (akin to WOW! or Stupendous!)Rate it:
holy moleyAn expression of surpriseRate it:
Holy of HoliesThe most sacred place within a sacred building.Rate it:
Holy of HoliesOne's private retreat, inner sanctum.Rate it:
holy shitExpression of terror, awe, surprise, shock, etc., often at something seen for the first time or remembered immediately before using this term.Rate it:
holy smokeAn expression of surprise.Rate it:
holy toledo!A phrase of exclamation.Rate it:
home and dryHaving safely reached one's target.Rate it:
home and hosedHaving safely reached one's target.Rate it:
home away from homeA place in which one is as comfortable as one's actual home.Rate it:
home field advantageUsually in sports, the heightened performance enjoyed by the team playing on its own familiar field in front of its home crowd.Rate it:
home gameAn athletic contest played in a team's own geographic area.Rate it:
home in onTo focus or narrow down to something; to find or draw closer, as by trial and error or a gradual seeking process.Rate it:
home is where the heart isOne's true home is where one feels happiest.Rate it:
home is where you hang your hatRather than feeling nostalgic or sentimental, one should simply accept any place where one happens to reside as one's home.1948, Ruth L. Yorck, "D.P.Rate it:
home runA four-base hit, a homer.Rate it:
home runA success; especially, a popular success.Rate it:
home runSexual Intercourse.Rate it:
home runThe portion of a journey that ends at home.Rate it:
home runbaseball termRate it:
home stretchThe final part of a distance or the final effort needed to finish.Rate it:
home sweet homeOne's home, especially a nice, comfortable home.Rate it:
home teamThe team that's playing in the usual area that they play in, as opposed to the visitor team.Rate it:
home trainingHome-taught manners and social etiquette.Rate it:
home trainingUsed other than with a figurative or idiomatic meaning: see home,‎ training.Rate it:
home truthsTo be honest about something and tell it as it is, without holding anything back.Rate it:
homeless dumpingThe practice of hospital employees or emergency workers releasing homeless patients on the streets instead of placing them into the custody of a relative or shelter or retaining them in a hospital where they may require expensive medical care.Rate it:
Homer noddedsimple past tense of Homer nodsRate it:
Homer nodsEven a great person makes mistakes.Rate it:
homer simpsonSucceeding despite failure or idiocyRate it:
Homer sometimes nodsAlternative form of even Homer nodsRate it:
homing pigeonbirdRate it:
homing pigeonracing birdRate it:
hondleTo bargainRate it:
hone in onAlternative form of home in onRate it:

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Don't steal my _________ !
A thunder
B lightening
C money
D noise