Found 1,960 phrases starting with T: Page #11


teething troublesSmall problems such as are to be expected with some any new and untried system or product.Rate it:
tel avivIsraeli cityRate it:
telephone exchangecommunications switching centreRate it:
telephone tagA situation in which a person unsuccessfully attempts to contact another person by telephone and leaves a message instead, and in which the second person then unsuccessfully attempts to return the initial call and leaves a message for the first person, and so on as if the two are playing a game of tag in which the most recent person to have been left with a message is now designated as "it" (i.e. as the player now obliged to chase the other and to attempt anew to make contact).Rate it:
tell againstTo function as a liability (for someone); to put into a condition of disadvantage.Rate it:
tell againstTo serve as evidence which casts doubt upon.Rate it:
tell allTo reveal everything, particularly information that is normally withheld.Rate it:
tell allTo tell everyone.Rate it:
tell apartTo be able to know the difference between things; to distinguish.Rate it:
tell fortunesto tell someone's destiny or future, usually by magicRate it:
tell it like it isTo speak frankly, to convey all and only the truth of a situation.Rate it:
tell it to sweeneyI do not believe what you said.Rate it:
tell it to the judgeI do not believe what you said.Rate it:
tell it to the marinesI do not believe what you said.Rate it:
tell me about itUsed to express agreement and sympathy with previous speaker's statement.Rate it:
tell ofTo inform about.Rate it:
tell offTo speak to someone rudely, disrespectfully or angrily; to berate; to unleash one's fury verbally towards someone.Rate it:
tell offTo rebuke, to reprimand, or to admonish.Rate it:
tell onTo inform on.Rate it:
tell someone where to shove itUsed other than with a figurative or idiomatic meaning: see tell,‎ someone,‎ where,‎ shove,‎ it.Rate it:
tell someone where to shove itTo express extreme anger, disgust, or hatred toward someone.Rate it:
tell talesTo be lying, to be making false claims.Rate it:
tell tales out of schoolTo reveal confidential or sensitive information; to gossip.Rate it:
tell the truthTo speak frankly.Rate it:
tell you the truthUsed to positively assert the frank honesty of an associated statement of set of statements; equivalent to "to you tell the truth".Rate it:
tell you whatIntroduces a compromise or arrangement where the interlocutor has some benefit or advantage.Rate it:
telling offA reprimand, reproach, or lecture.Rate it:
temper temperUsed to tell someone to control their temperRate it:
tempest in a teapotA major fuss over a trivial matter.Rate it:
temple of immensityThe universe or the complete overhead expanse of the heavens, especially as conceived as an object of religious reverence.Rate it:
tempt fateTo take an extreme riskRate it:
tempus fugittime flies (used as an alternative to this phrase)."Meanwhile, the irreplaceable time escapes", expressing concern that one's limited time is being consumed by something which may have little intrinsic substance or importance at that moment.Rate it:
ten a pennySo common as to be practically worthless.Rate it:
ten foot poleSee not touch something with a ten foot pole.Rate it:
ten points to GryffindorUsed to praise someone for a statement or action viewed as commendable.Rate it:
ten to oneVery likely to happenRate it:
ten-dollar wordA long and uncommon word used in place of a shorter and simpler one with the intent to appear sophisticated.Rate it:
tender loving care (tlc)loving and caring ; nurturingRate it:
tenement buildingsblocks of flatsRate it:
tennis elbow. tennis anyone?Condition many tennis players sufer.Rate it:
tenon sawhand toolRate it:
tense upto become tenseRate it:
tentpole movieA major motion picture which is expensive to produce and which is expected to generate significant revenue for its producing studio and investors.Rate it:
tenuous relationship with the truthliarRate it:
TEOTWAWKIThe end of the world as we know it.Rate it:
term outUsed other than with a figurative or idiomatic meaning: see term,‎ out.Rate it:
term outTo finish the term.Rate it:
terminal leavesUsed other than as an idiom: see terminal, leaf.Rate it:
terminal leavesplural form of terminal leaveRate it:
terra firmadry landRate it:

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The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy ____.
A cow
B pig
C horse
D dog