Found 1,960 phrases starting with T: Page #14


the box they're going to bury it inA person or product that hastens the obsolescence of another person or product.Rate it:
the British are comingA warning that enemies are about and a battle is about to begin.Rate it:
the British are comingA statement of impending doom.Rate it:
the bronxnew york boroughRate it:
the buck stops hereA statement that no excuses will be made, that the speaker is going to take direct responsibility for matters, rather than pass the responsibility to higher authorities.Rate it:
the cake is a lieThe end you are pursuing is unattainable or misguided; the reward you have been promised is false.Rate it:
the calm before the stormA period of peace before a disturbance or crisis; an unnatural or false calm before a storm.Rate it:
the carpet matches the drapesA woman's pubic hair is of the same colour as the hair on her head, i.e. her hair is not dyed.Rate it:
the cat that got the creamSmug person that is pleased with themselves over some achievement. Proud at a recent accomplishment.Rate it:
the cat's out of the bagIt is too late.Rate it:
the chickens come home to roostA person's past wrongdoings will return to negatively affect them.Rate it:
the chuffSynonym of the fuckRate it:
the coast is clearThere is no danger.Rate it:
the companyNickname for an intelligence service.Rate it:
the conference was attended by people from all walks of lifeit means the conference was attended by people from different parts of the worldRate it:
the course of true love never did run smoothThere will always be problems in a relationship.Rate it:
the cure is worse than the diseaseThe medical treatment for an illness produces a worse net result than the illness does, especially via adverse effects.Rate it:
the cure is worse than the diseaseThe solution or proposed solution to a problem produces a worse net result than the problem does, especially via unintended consequences.Rate it:
the curtains match the drapesSynonym of the carpet matches the drapesRate it:
the damage is doneThe harm has occurred, and nothing can be done to prevent it now; it might have been preventable, but cannot be prevented retroactively.Rate it:
the darkest hour is just before the dawnThe worst situation comes before a good one.Rate it:
the dead of winterThe middle of winter. The coldest, darkest, gloomiest days of winter.Rate it:
the dear knowsGod knows; nobody knowsRate it:
the dear knowsGod knows; of course, certainly, nobody could doubtRate it:
the deck is stacked against meI don't have a chanceRate it:
the devilUsed to add emphasis to a question or statement.Rate it:
the devil is a liarA general expression of distrust, particularly implying that another person is attempting to deceive the speaker, or that a situation is not, or can not be, as it appears.Rate it:
the devil looks after his ownBad people often prosper unfairly, because the devil helps them.Rate it:
the devil you sayAn expression of surprise at something stated by another.Rate it:
the devil's lettuceA code name for marijuana.Rate it:
the die is castThe future is determined; there are no more options; events will proceed in an irreversible manner.Rate it:
the doc says im going blind but i could never see anywayLess hurtRate it:
the doctor always err's on the side of caution.It means to make sure of, or to make the most ofRate it:
the dogs bark, but the caravan goes onLife goes on, even if some will try to stop or talk against progress.Rate it:
the drinks are on meIndicates that speaker is going to pay for the drinks consumedRate it:
the early bird catches the wormthe early bird gets the wormRate it:
the early bird gets the wormWhoever arrives first has the best chance of success; some opportunities are only available to the first competitors.Rate it:
the emperor has no clothesUsed to describe a situation where someone is pretending to be something they are not, or when something is revealed to be a fraud; a way of pointing out that someone is not as powerful or impressive as they claim to be; a way of exposing a lie or deceptionRate it:
The EndUsed traditionally at the end of a story.Rate it:
The EndUsed to indicate the termination of somethingRate it:
the end justifies the meansMorally wrong actions are sometimes necessary to achieve morally right outcomes; actions can only be considered morally right or wrong by virtue of the morality of the outcome.Rate it:
the end of one's ropeAt the limit of one’s patience, when one is so frustrated or annoyed that one can no longer take it..Rate it:
the ends justify the meansAlternative form of the end justifies the means.Rate it:
the ends of the earthThe furthest reaches of the land.Rate it:
the enemy of my enemy is my friendAlthough I dislike and/or disagree with you, for the time being we should work together against a common threat.Rate it:
the enemy of your enemy is your friendTwo parties who have an enemy in common should join forces against it.Rate it:
the engineer of the train can hostle his own locomotive.The engineer of the train can move his own locomotive to the roundhouse or locomotive service area. In doing so he is performing the task of a hostler.Rate it:
the feathers flyAn argument or fight is instigated.Rate it:
the fingerAn obscene gesture, typically consisting of extending the middle finger at somebody.Rate it:
the fish rots from the headBad leaders damage an organization.Rate it:

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Seems like the _________ caught his tongue!
A cat
B fridge
C mouse
D house