Found 1,960 phrases starting with T:

t shirtT-minusT.G.I.F.
table scraptable scraptable talk
tach uptacit acceptance of…tack up
tackle the jobtag alongtag off
tag ontag teamtag up
tail awaytail between one's …tail in
tail offtail wagging the dogtake a back seat
Take a Backseattake a bathtake a bath
take a bead ontake a bitetake a bow
take a breathtake a breathertake a bullet
take a chancetake a crack attake a crap
take a dim view oftake a dirt naptake a dive
take a divetake a flyertake a flyer
take a gambletake a gandertake a grab
take a grabtake a hiketake a hike
take a joketake a leaktake a leap of faith
take a lickingtake a licking and …take a load off
take a long walk of…take a looktake a nap
take a numbertake a page out of …take a pew
take a picturetake a picture, it …take a powder
Take a Powdertake a ride to Tybu…take a risk
take a run attake a run attake a seat
Take a Shine Totake a shine to som…take a shit
take a shot in the …take a spilltake a spin
take a stab attake a stab attake a stand
take a tiger by the…take a tumbletake a tumble
take a turntake a turntake a turn
take a turn for the…take a turn for the…take a walk in the …
take a wifetake a wrong turn a…take aback
take abacktake acrosstake after
take aftertake againsttake against
take aimtake aimtake aloft
take an axe totake an axe totake apart
take aparttake aparttake apart
take awaytake awaytake away
take awaytake awaytake away
take away fromtake backtake back
take backtake backtake back
take by stormtake by stormtake by storm
take care of the pe…take care of the pe…take cover
take delight intake downtake down
take downtake downtake down
take down a pegtake effecttake exception
take exception totake fivetake five
take flighttake fortake for
take fortake for a ridetake for a spin
take for a spintake for grantedtake for granted
take formtake guardtake heart
take heedtake illtake in
take intake intake in
take intake into accounttake into considera…
take it awaytake it easytake it easy
take it easytake it from metake it from there
take it like a mantake it or leave ittake it or leave it
take it out intake it out ontake it outside
Take it to Hooptake it to the banktake it up the ass
take it up the asstake it upon oneselftake its toll
take kindlytake leavetake leave
take leave of one's…take libertiestake lightly
take lying downtake matters into o…take me away
take no for an answ…take no notice oftake no prisoners
take no prisonerstake offtake off
take offtake offtake off
take offtake offtake off
Take Off Your Hat t…take off!take offline
take ontake ontake on
take ontake on faithtake on the chin
take on watertake on watertake one for the te…
take one's ball and…take one's chancetake one's eye off …
take one's hat off …take one's leavetake one's lumps
take one's lumpstake one's picktake one's time
take one's timetake one's tongue o…take out
take out an oniontake out of contexttake out the trash
take out the trashtake overtake over
take overtake overtake over
take overtake overtake part
take parttake pridetake shape
take sicktake sidestake silk
take sitting downtake somebody's wor…take someone to the…
Take Someone under …take someone's head…take someone's point
take someone's pointtake someone's word…take something as r…
take something in o…take something in s…take something to t…
take the baittake the biscuittake the biscuit
take the bitter wit…Take the Bitter wit…take the Browns to …
take the bull by th…take the caketake the cake
Take the Caketake the cash and l…take the count
take the counttake the counttake the cure
take the falltake the fieldtake the fifth
take the flaktake the game totake the gilt off t…
take the gloves offtake the heattake the hint
take the law into o…take the leadtake the lead
take the libertytake the michaeltake the mick
take the mickeytake the offensivetake the pee
take the pisstake the pisstake the piss
take the plungetake the plungetake the point
take the pointtake the raptake the red pill
take the reinstake the shadow for…take the stand
take the veiltake the wheeltake the wheel
take the wind out o…Take the Words Righ…take things as they…
take this job and s…take totake to
take totake totake to heart
take to hearttake to one's heelstake to something l…
take to tasktake to the banktake to the cleaners
take to the hillstake to the mattake to wife
take uptake up a collectiontake up for
take up the cudgel …take up the gauntlettake up with
take up withtake upontake upon oneself
Take With a Grain o…take with a pinch o…takes one to know o…
takes the wraps offtaking a break will…taking the edge off
taking the gloves o…taking to ones heelstaking upon oneself
talent managementtalk a blue streaktalk a good game
talk a mile a minutetalk abouttalk around
talk attalk attalk back
talk bigtalk dirtytalk down
talk downtalk down totalk in circles
talk in circlestalk intotalk is cheap
talk jockeytalk like an apothe…talk of the devil
talk of the towntalk outtalk out of
talk out of one's a…talk out of turntalk out one's ass
talk overtalk overtalk over someone's…
talk pasttalk roundtalk softly and car…
talk somebody under…talk someone into s…talk someone under …
talk someone's ear …talk the leg off a …talk the talk
talk throughtalk throughtalk through one's …
talk through one's …Talk Through Your H…talk to oneself
talk to the handtalk turkeytalk up
talk uptalking headtall in the saddle
tall ordertall taletally ho
tally ontally ontamp down
tamp downtan someone's …TANJ
tank toptank uptank up
tank upTANSTAAFLtant pis
tap dancingtap intap in
tap intotap intotap out
tap outtap outtap out
tap uptap uptape off
tape outtape uptaper off
tar with the same b…target on your backtarget someone
tart uptart uptart up
tartufotartufotask force
taste like chickentaste of one's own …taste of one's own …
tattle taletattle tell, tattle…taxi driver
TBITBUtea service
teach awayteach grandma how t…teach someone a les…
teacher's petteacher's petteam player
team upteam up withtear a strip off so…
tear a strip off so…tear alongtear along
tear aparttear aparttear apart
tear aparttear awaytear down
tear intotear offtear off
tear one's hair outtear outtear up
tear uptear uptear up
tear up the pea pat…tears aren't very l…tears of joy
tease outtease outtech up
technical knockouttee offtee off
tee uptee uptee up
tee upteed offteensy weensy
teeny weenyteething problemsteething troubles
tel avivtelephone exchangetelephone tag
tell againsttell againsttell all
tell alltell aparttell fortunes
tell it like it istell it to sweeneytell it to the judge
tell it to the mari…tell me about ittell of
tell offtell offtell on
tell someone where …tell someone where …tell tales
tell tales out of s…tell the truthtell you the truth
tell you whattelling offtemper temper
tempest in a teapottemple of immensitytempt fate
tempus fugitten a pennyten foot pole
ten points to Gryff…ten to oneten-dollar word
tender loving care …tenement buildingstennis elbow. tenni…
tenon sawtense uptentpole movie
tenuous relationshi…TEOTWAWKIterm out
term outterminal leavesterminal leaves
terra firmaterritorial pissingterritorial pissing
test bedtest matchtest of time
test the waterstete a teteTFAE
TGIFTGIFthan a bygod
thank one's lucky s…thanks a bunchthanks a bunch
thanks a heapthanks a tonthanks for nothing
thanks for your helpthankuthankyousomuch
thar she blowsthat and a dollar w…that and twenty-fiv…
that cock won't fig…that does itthat dog won't…
that figuresthat fills the billthat is
that isthat is itthat old dog won't …
that saidthat ship has alrea…that ship has sailed
that tracksthat train has alre…that train has left…
that was itthat waythat which doesn't …
that's a fine …that's a wrapthat's lame
that's the way…that'll be the daythat'll do
that's a loaded que…that's a milestonethat's a relief
that's allthat's all she wrotethat's for me to kn…
that's hotthat's itthat's it
that's just methat's lifethat's my
that's saying somet…that's thatthat's the bunny
that's the spiritthat's the ticketthat's the way life…
that's the way the …That's the Way the …that's the way the …
that's wassupthat's what I'm tal…that's what she said
that's what's upThatcher's childrenThatcher's children
thats the way the b…thats whats upthat’ll do
that’s about the si…the ;WYEthe apple does not …
the apple doesn't f…the art of being na…the ayes have it
the ayes have itthe bad penny alway…the bad penny alway…
the ball is in some…the ball is in your…the bears get rich,…
the beast with two …the bee's kneesthe bends
the big kahunathe bigger they are…the bill, please
the biter bitthe boot is on the …the box they're goi…
the British are com…the British are com…the bronx
the buck stops herethe cake is a liethe calm before the…
the carpet matches …the cat that got th…the cat's out of th…
the chickens come h…the chuffthe coast is clear
the companythe conference was …the course of true …
the cure is worse t…the cure is worse t…the curtains match …
the damage is donethe darkest hour is…the dead of winter
the dear knowsthe dear knowsthe deck is stacked…
the devilthe devil is a liarthe devil looks aft…
the devil you saythe devil's le…the die is cast
the doc says im goi…the doctor always e…the dogs bark, but …
the drinks are on methe early bird catc…the early bird gets…
the emperor has no …The EndThe End
the end justifies t…the end of one's ro…the ends justify th…
the ends of the ear…the enemy of my ene…the enemy of your e…
the engineer of the…the feathers flythe finger
the fish rots from …the fix is inthe flying dutchman
the fourth estatethe fuckthe fuck
the fuckthe fuckthe fucking you get…
the fucking you get…the fucking you get…the genie's out of …
the girl said my co…the good die youngthe good doctor
the good doctorsthe grapes are sour…the grass is always…
the grass is always…the gutter pressthe hand that rocks…
the hand that rocks…the handbags come o…the heart of the ea…
the heart wants wha…the hedgebirds rais…the hell out of
the hell you sayThe Hell You Say?the holy of holies
the icing on the ca…the ivy can grow no…the jetset way
the jig is upthe jig is upthe joke is on some…
the joke's on someo…the jury is still o…the lady doth prote…
the lady doth prote…the lady with rocky…the law is a ass
the law is an assthe left hand doesn…the length of the F…
the lights are on, …the line is busythe long and short
the long and short …the long and short …the long arm of the…
The Lord works in m…the luck of the drawthe man
the manthe manthe man
the manthe man in the stre…the man in the stre…
the map is not the …the marriage sank i…the measure of soci…
the more the merrierthe more things cha…the name of the game
the natives are get…the natives are res…the nature of the b…
the night is youngthe nose knowsthe nut does not fa…
the old woman is pl…the one who always …the other day
the pants offthe party is overthe pen is mightier…
the penny dropsthe pick of the lit…the pinnacle of lov…
the pitsthe place to bethe plot thickens
the plural of anecd…the princethe proof is in the…
the proof of the pu…the qualitythe rabbit died
the rain in spain s…the reality isthe rest is history
the road to hell is…the rubber hits the…the rubber meets th…
the rubber meets th…the salt of the ear…the screwing you ge…
the screwing you ge…the screwing you ge…the shoe is on the …
the shoemaker's chi…the showthe show must go on
the silence of a li…the sky is the limitthe sky is the moon
the smartest, clear…the spirit is willi…the squeaky wheel g…
the story goesthe straw that brok…the straw that brok…
the streets are pav…the stroke of noon/…the terrorists will…
the thick plottensthe thing isthe thing of it
the three component…the toilet is clogg…the ugly truth
the upper handthe wave of the fut…the way to a man's …
the wealthiest man …the wheel turnsthe wheels came off
the wheels came off…the wheels came off…the wheels fell off
the wheels fell off…the wheels fell off…the whistle does no…
the whistle doesn't…the whole nine yardsthe whole nine yards
the whole shooting …the whole world and…the witching hour
the word is gothe world is not in…the world is one's …
the world is one's …the world is one's …the world over
the writing is on t…them's the breaksthem's the facts
then againthen and therethere and back
there arethere are many ways…there are none so b…
there are plenty mo…there are plenty of…there are two sides…
there but for the g…there for everyone …there is
there is a dream in…there is a new sher…there is an excepti…
there is no nobel s…there is no point i…there is no spoon
there is no there t…there is nothing mo…there is nothing ne…
there is reason in …there isn't any eas…there may be snow o…
there must be somet…there ought to be a…there oughta be a l…
there oughtta be a …there she blowsthere was a time
there we gothere ya gothere ya go
there you arethere you arethere you go
there you gothere you gothere you go!
there you have itthere you have itthere you have it, …
there's no cry…there's no pla…there's no tim…
there's a grain of …there's a sucker bo…there's always a bi…
there's been an acc…there's life in the…there's many a slip…
there's more than o…there's more where …there's no accounti…
there's no accounti…there's no fool lik…there's no i in team
there's no point cr…there's no such thi…there's no such thi…
there's no there th…there's no usethere's no use cryi…
there's nothing to …there's nowt so que…there's only one
there's only one wa…there, theretherein lies the rub
these things happenthey ranged from fu…they saw the need t…
they're only after …thick and thinthick as a brick
thick as thievesthick of thingsthick skin
thick skinthief in the nightthieve out
thigh-slapperthin airthin as a rake
thin edge of the we…thin end of the wed…thin out
thin-skinnedthings that go bump…think about
think againthink againthink aloud
think backthink better of itthink nothing of it
think of englandthink onthink on one's feet
think one's shit do…think overthink tank
think the world ofthink throughthink twice
think upthink with one's li…thinking cap
thinking out loudthird countrythird degree
third handthird personthird person
third personthird personthird person
third ratethird stringthird string
third time's a charmthird time's the ch…third wheel
thirsty thursdaythis ain't recessthis calls for a pa…
this is itthis is someonethis is the life
this is where we ca…this just inthis means war
this minutethis one’s on methis too shall pass
this too shall pass…this won't get the …this, that, and the…
this, that, and the…thorn in someone's …thorn in the flesh
thorn in the fleshthose who can't do,…those who can't use…
those who will not …though butthought bubble
thought bubblethrash outthread the needle
thread the needlethree bags full, sirthree green
three in the pink o…three rsthree rs
three rsthree score and tenthree sheets to the…
three sheets to the…three skips of a lo…Three Stooges
three wise monkeys,…three-dimensionalitythree-dimensionality
three-martini lunchthree-martini lunchthree-on-the-tree
three-on-the-treethree-ring circusthree-ring circus
thresh outthrill killthrill kill
thrill killerthrottle downthrough and through
through in through …Through the Grapevi…through the mill
through the roofthrow a bone toThrow a Curve
throw a fitThrow a Monkey Wren…throw a party
throw a sickiethrow a spanner in …throw a sprat to ca…
throw a tantrumthrow a wobblythrow about
throw an eyethrow asidethrow away
throw awaythrow backthrow back
throw backthrow caution to th…throw caution to th…
throw chunksthrow cold water onThrow Cold Water on…
throw dirt enough, …throw downthrow down
throw downthrow downthrow down the gaun…
throw enough mud at…throw enough mud at…throw for a loop
throw good money af…throw inthrow in at the dee…
throw in the towelThrow in the Towelthrow in with
throw money awaythrow offthrow off
throw off balancethrow off the trailthrow on
throw one's cap ove…throw one's hat in …throw one's hat ove…
throw one's hat ove…throw one's hat ove…throw one's toys ou…
throw one's weight …throw oneself atthrow out
throw outthrow overthrow shapes
throw smokethrow somebody a cu…throw somebody a cu…
throw someone a cur…throw someone a cur…throw the book at
Throw the Book at S…throw to the dogsthrow to the dogs
throw to the dogsthrow to the windthrow to the wolves
throw to the wolvesthrow togetherthrow under the bus
throw upthrow upthrow up
Throw Your Hat into…Throw Your Weight A…throwing money away
thumb a ridethumb a ridethumb on the scale
thumb one's nosethumb one's nosethumb-wars
thumbs upthumbs upthumbs up
thunder pastthunder struckthunderclap
thus and sothus and suchtia
tiaTIAStick all the boxes
tick awaytick downtick off
tick offtick offtick off!
tick overtick pasttickle pink
tickle somebody's f…tickle someone's fa…tickle someone's fu…
tickle someone's pi…tickle someone's pi…tickle the dragon's…
tickle the dragon's…tickle the dragon's…tickle the ivories
tickle the ivoriesTickle the Ivoriestickle the ivory
tickle the twineTickle Your Funny B…tickled pink
tickled pinkTickled Pinktide over
tidy uptie backtie down
tie downtie one ontie over
tie someone's handstie the knottie up
tie uptie uptie up
tie up loose endsTied to Someone's A…ties that bind
tiger teamtiger teamtight as a duck's a…
tight lippedtight lippedtight lips
tight shiptight spottight-lipped
tight-lippedtighten one's belttighten the purse s…
tighten uptighten uptighten up
tighten uptighten upTighten Your Belt
tighter than Dick's…tightfistedtill death do us pa…
Till The Cows Come …till the wheels fal…tilt at windmills
tilt at windmillstilting at windmillstime after time
time alone will telltime and materialtime and tide
time and tide tarry…time and tide wait …time bandit
time burglartime fliestime flies when you…
time heals all woun…time is moneytime is of the esse…
time is of the esse…time moves ontime of the month
time offtime outtime out
time out of mindtime out of mindtime out of mind
time stands still f…time thieftime will tell
time you got a watchtime's uptimeserver
timeservertiming is everythingTIMTOWTDI
tin eartin godtin pot
TINATinker to Evers to …Tinker to Evers to …
tintliketiny but mightytip back
tip backtip of the hattip of the iceberg
tip of the icebergTip of the Icebergtip off
tip offtip one's handtip one's hand
tip one's hattip one's hattip out
tip overtip the scaletip the scale
tip the scalestip uptip-off
tipping it downtipsy turvytiptoe around
tiptoe aroundtire firetire out
tired and emotionaltit for tattit for tat
tits uptits uptits-up
tittle along sonnyTKOTL/DNR
TMTOWTDITNLNto 'put out'
to a certain extentto a fare-thee-wellto a fault
to a manto a nicetyto a t
to a turnto all intents and …to and fro
to attain one' age …to be a lonley isla…to be a queen bee
to be an open bookto be continuedto be continued
to be faced downto be honestto be honest with y…
to be mixing apples…to be named laterto be named later
to be named laterto be of the peakto be on someone�…
to be perfectly hon…to be shuck ofto be sure
to be the cat's whi…to be the impossibl…to be truthful
to be willy nillyto be, or not to be…to beat the band
to bootto bootto date
to deathto die forto dig your own gra…
to disassembleto doto do
to do withto dog flyto each his own
to each his ownto err is human, to…to feel like shit
to get hold of wron…to get into hot wat…to get one's wires …
to give a person li…to goto go
to goto handto have a brush with
to hell and backto hell and goneto hell in a handba…
to hell withto inculcate a habitto know and not to …
to let a frog out o…to little availto live in a ginger…
to live out in the …to move mountainsto no avail
to not let any gras…to one's heart's co…to one's mind
to piecesto piecesto pieces
to piecesto save one's lifeto save one's life
to say nothing ofto say the leastto set asail?
to shine someone on…to sing like a cana…to spare
to spareto speak ofto stick around
to tell tales out o…to tell the truthto tell you the tru…
to that endto theto the
to the best of one'…to the boneto the brim
to the brimto the gillsto the hilt
to the letterto the maxto the max
to the moonto the moonto the moon and back
to the nth degreeto the pantryto the point
to the Tto the teeto the tonsils
to the tune ofto the victor go th…to thine own self b…
to trumpto what do I owe th…to whom it may conc…
to whom this may co…to X or not to Xto your health
toad-stranglertoast of the towntoast of the town
today we are alltoday we are alltoday we are all
today we are alltoddle offtoddle off
toe intoe jamtoe out
toe the lineToe the Linetoe the mark
toe-to-toetoes uptoey as a Roman san…
toiletpaperphobiatoils a thrushtoke up
Tom, Dick or Harrytomato juicetomato juice
tomato juicetomato, tomatotomayto, tomahto
tomorrow is another…tone downtone down
tone uptongue twistertongue-in-cheek
Tongue-in-Cheektongue-tiedtonic water
tonsil hockeytonsil tennistoo bad
too badtoo bad, so sadtoo big for one's b…
too big for one's b…too big for one's b…Too Big for Your Br…
too clever by halftoo good for this w…too hot to handle
too hot to holdtoo many balls in t…too many balls in t…
too many cooks spoi…too muchtoo much
too much bed makes …too rich for one's …too young, too simp…
tool aroundtool aroundtool up
tool uptoot one's own horntooth and nail
tooth and nailtooth-and-nailtooth-and-nail
toothpaste is out o…top bananatop banana
Top Bananatop brasstop cat
top dogtop dollartop drawer
Top Drawertop edgetop edge
top edgetop edgetop hand
top handtop hattop heavy
top it all offtop it offtop notch
top of mindtop of the linetop of the morning
top offtop oneselftop oneself
top outtop outtop out
top secrettop shelftop shelf
top shelftop uptop up
top uptop-heavy with drinktop-shelf
top-shelftopple overtopsy turvy
torn between tow lo…torque offtorqued off
toss and turntoss aroundtoss around
toss offtoss offtoss off
toss offtoss outtoss together
toss uptoss uptoss up
toss uptoss uptoss-up
tot uptot uptotal clearance
total clearancetotal packagetotus porcus
touch a nervetouch and gotouch and go
Touch and Gotouch basetouch cloth
touch downtouch judgetouch of the tar br…
touch offtouch ontouch on
touch oneselfTouch Something wit…touch the hem of so…
touch uptouch uptouch upon
touch with a barge …touch woodtouch wood
touch-and-gotouch-move ruletouched in the head
tough as a tissuetough as nailstough as old boots
tough calltough cookietough cookies
tough cookiestough goingtough love
tough lucktough nut to crackTough Nut to Crack
tough outtough row to hoetough times never l…
tough tittiestough tittiestough titty
tough toodlestough tuchustoughen up
tourner autour du p…tout de suitetower block
tower overtown and gowntoxic individualism
toy boytoy withtoy with
toys in the attictrack downtrack record
track withtractor outtrade down
trade downtrade intrade union
trade uniontrade uptrade up
trade-offtraditional america…traff
trafficked by my pa…trail offtrailer park trash
trailer trashtrailer trashTrailer Trash
train uptrain wrecktrain wreck
Tramptranscendental medi…transcendental medi…
transform and roll …trash outtrash panda
travel awaytravel irontravel junkie
tread lightlytread outtreat like dirt
treat them mean, ke…trench mouthtrial and error
trial balloontrial by firetrial by fire
trial by firetrial by mediatrick of the light
trick of the tradetrick outtrick up one's slee…
trickle downtrickle downtried and tested
tried and truetried and truetrifle with
trifle withtrigger-happytrigger-happy
trigger-happytrim uptrip balls
trip outtrip outtrip out
Trip the Light Fant…trip to the woodshedtrip up
trip uptrip uptrip up
triple threatTrojan-horsetrot off
trot outtrot outtrouble at mill
trouble in paradisetrouble in river ci…trouble in store
tru dattruck intruck out
true believertrue bluetrue blue
true stripestrue to formtrue to one's colors
True-Bluetruer words have ne…truly yours
trump uptrundle alongtrust the services
truth be toldtruth will outtry as one may
try as one mighttry it ontry it on
try ontry one's handtry one's luck
try outtry outtry out one's own c…
try to get on first!try to get someone …try to top that one!
TS girlTS girlTTTO
TTYStub of gutstube steak
tuck intuck intuck in
tuck intotucker outtuckered out
tug of wartug of wartuits
tuitstuitstumble down
tumble ontumble totummy friendly
tump overtune intune in
tune intune in to what is …tune in, turn on, d…
tune outtune outtune up
tune uptune you out!tuppence
tuppencetuppencetuppence worth
tuppence worthturd in the punchbo…turf out
turf warturf warturkey shoot
turkey shootturkey shootturkey slap
Turkish breadTurkish breadturn a blind eye
turn a cornerturn a deaf earturn a hair
turn a phraseturn a profitturn a profit
turn a trickturn aboutturn about is fair …
turn againstturn againstturn around
turn awayturn awayturn away
turn awayturn backturn back
turn backturn backturn back
turn back the clockturn downturn down
turn downturn headsturn in
turn inturn inturn in one's grave
turn intoturn into a pumpkinturn loose
turn of eventsturn of phraseturn off
turn offturn offturn on
turn onturn onturn on
turn onturn on a dimeturn on its head
turn on one's heelturn one onturn one's back
turn one's coatturn one's nose upturn out
turn outturn outturn out
turn outturn outturn out
turn outturn overturn over
turn overturn over a new leafturn round
turn roundturn roundturn round
turn roundturn roundturn round
turn someone's crankturn someone's headturn someone's head
turn tailturn the air blueturn the boat
turn the cornerturn the other cheekturn the other cheek
Turn the Other Cheekturn the pageturn the page
turn the scaleturn the screwturn the tables
turn the tideturn toturn to
turn toturn to dustturn to stone
turn to stoneturn to stoneturn tricks
turn turtleturn twoturn two
turn upturn upturn up
turn upturn upturn up for the book
turn up one's noseturn up one's noseturn up trumps
Turn Up Your Nose a…turn upside downturn upside down
turnabout is fair p…turned onturned to stone
Turns the Tabletutti fruttitwatfaced
Tweedledum and Twee…Tweedledum and Twee…twelfth man
twelve-ounce curlstwent-twenty visiontwenty to
twenty to the dozentwenty winkstwenty-five cent wo…
twenty-twenty hinds…twenty-twenty hinds…twiddle one's thumbs
twiddle one's thumbstwilight yearsTWIMC
twin enginetwin lakestwin seam
twin speedtwinkle in one's da…twinkle in one's fa…
twinkly-eyedtwist in the windtwist in the wind
twist of fatetwist someone's armtwist someone's bal…
twist the knifetwisted truthtwo a penny
two beers, pleasetwo birds with one …two bob
two bobtwo can play at tha…two can play that g…
two can play this g…two centstwo cents
Two Centstwo dogs fight for …two faced
Two Facedtwo for twotwo for two
two ha'pennies for …two heads are bette…two lamps burning a…
two left feettwo penn%e2%80%99or…two penn%e2%80%99or…
two penn'orthtwo penn'orthtwo pennies to rub …
two pennies' worthtwo sides of the sa…Two Sinkers anda Co…
two steps aheadtwo steps aheadtwo tears in a buck…
two thumbs uptwo thumbs uptwo wrongs don't ma…
two wrongs make a r…two's company, thre…two-bit
two-edged swordtwo-edged swordtwo-fisted drinker
two-fisted drinkertwo-fisted drinkertwo-second rule
two-timertwo-way streettwo-way street
two-way streettxstype out
type outtype uptyped water in mouth
tyre kicker  

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A steel
B cretin
C metal
D gretel