Found 1,960 phrases starting with T: Page #17


the shoe is on the other footThe roles of people in a situation have been reversed, such the advantage has shifted to a party which was previously disadvantaged.Rate it:
the shoemaker's children go barefootOne often neglects those closest to oneself.Rate it:
the showThe major leagues.Rate it:
the show must go onOne must finish what one has started; things must continue no matter what.Rate it:
the silence of a lion is not that he is a fool but for determination and accuracy.To concentrate before making a job - isn't a weakness. As Lions, whom are fierce predators that often stalk their prey before attacking. Their attacks cause prey to panic and disperse, allowing the lions to isolate and attack a weaker or slower individual.Rate it:
the sky is the limitNothing is impossible or out of reachRate it:
the sky is the moonA new modern combination of "the sky is the limit" and "shoot for the moon".Rate it:
the smartest, clearer person probably has no friendshumility is a virtue!Rate it:
the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak(proverbs) For much as one wishes to achieve something, the frailties of the human body often make it impossible.Rate it:
the squeaky wheel gets the grease/oilThe most noticeable, or loudest person gets the most attention.Rate it:
the story goesThe story is usually depicted as follows.Rate it:
the straw that broke the camel's backA small and seemingly insignificant addition to a burden that renders it too much to bear; the small thing which causes failure, or causes inability or unwillingness to endure any more of something.Rate it:
the straw that broke the camel's backMy patience has finally run out.Rate it:
the streets are paved with goldUsed to describe a place where it is easy to become wealthy or live well.Rate it:
the stroke of noon/midnightRarely hear it anymore. It is the moment of arrival at a time of the clockRate it:
the terrorists will have wonPhrase used following a description of an activity to indicate that if that activity is not continued or carried out, those who seek to disrupt normal activities through terror will have succeeded, an which is an unacceptable result.Rate it:
the thick plottensThe plot thickens.Rate it:
the thing isUsed to introduce the main point or issueRate it:
the thing of itThe important point to consider.Rate it:
the three components of art are : 1. mere catharsis and cathexis, 2. (etc. )Cathexis : 2 major definitions, one being psychoanalytic in nature. Very rarely used in speech or in it's written form. Cathexis : what a fascinating word. Even the sound of it is unusual.Rate it:
the toilet is cloggedthe toilet is cloggedRate it:
the ugly truthTo be completely honest about even the nasty stuff. The. Nasty stuff is the ugly truth.Rate it:
the upper handAn advantage or lead.Rate it:
the wave of the futureMovement, concept, modality, product, or trend which catches on in time or becomes very popular or prevalentRate it:
the way to a man's heart is through his stomachCooking for a man is a good way to win his affections.Rate it:
the wealthiest man has the biggest hump.More money more problems.Rate it:
the wheel turnsTime moves forward; circumstances change; life continues.Rate it:
the wheels came offSynonym of the wheels fell offRate it:
the wheels came off the busSynonym of the wheels fell offRate it:
the wheels came off the wagonSynonym of the wheels fell offRate it:
the wheels fell offSomething failed, often after a laborious, tiring process.Rate it:
the wheels fell off the busSynonym of the wheels fell offRate it:
the wheels fell off the wagonSynonym of the wheels fell offRate it:
the whistle does not pull the trainAlternative form of it's not the whistle that pulls the train.Rate it:
the whistle doesn't pull the trainAlternative form of it's not the whistle that pulls the train.Rate it:
the whole nine yardsAll the way; with everything done completely or thoroughly.Rate it:
the whole nine yardsAnd everything. Often used, like etc., to finish out a list.Rate it:
the whole shooting matchEverything; the entire collection, endeavor, or activity.Rate it:
the whole world and his dogEverybody; too many people; a huge crowd.Rate it:
the witching hourLate at night, at midnightRate it:
the word is goIndicates that given plans or actions can proceed.Rate it:
the world is not in need of opinions but prayers.The world is not in need of opinions but prayers. No opinion has changed the world so far, but a prayer can change everything, what is more powerful than praying to God? Don't argue with your enemies, don't argue with your friends, your children, your husband, your thoughts, your dreams, just pray.Rate it:
the world is one's lobster(UK, humorous) intentional misrendering of the proverb "the world is one's oyster"Rate it:
the world is one's oysterAll opportunities are open to someone, the world is theirs.Rate it:
the world is one's oysterIn order to achieve something in this world, one has to grab the opportunity.Rate it:
the world overAll over the world; globally; throughout the world.Rate it:
the writing is on the wallDisaster is imminent.Rate it:
them's the breaks(idiomatic) That is the way things happen; that's life.Rate it:
them's the factsThat's the truth, that's how it is; frequently used in reference to an unfortunate truth.Rate it:
then againFrom another point of view; on the other hand; on second thought.Rate it:

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Wear your ______ upon your sleeve.
A Blood
B Heart
C Skin
D Love