Found 1,960 phrases starting with T: Page #24


Tickle Your Funny BoneAmusing someone or making someone laughRate it:
tickled pinkSimple past tense and past participle of tickle pink.Rate it:
tickled pinkAn expression vouchsafing, joy, extreme happiness:Rate it:
Tickled PinkExtremely delighted or pleased of something; be very happy or amusedRate it:
tide overTo support or sustain someone, especially financially, for a limited period.Rate it:
tidy upTo make clean. In particular to make satisfactorily neat. Usually used to describe the straightening-out of a small room or small space.Rate it:
tie backTo tie or fasten behind.Rate it:
tie downto constrain, or to confine within set limits.Rate it:
tie downto secure as if with a rope or hook.Rate it:
tie one onTo drink alcohol excessively, to the point of being drunkRate it:
tie overTide over.Rate it:
tie someone's handsTo render one powerless to act, to thwart someone.Rate it:
tie the knotTo marry, wed, get married.Rate it:
tie upTo occupy, detain, keep busy, or delay.Rate it:
tie upTo secure with rope, string, etc.Rate it:
tie upTo complete, finish, or resolve.Rate it:
tie uplink, connectionRate it:
tie up loose endsTo deal with the minor consequences of a previous action; to tidy up, finish, or complete.Rate it:
Tied to Someone's Apron StringsDepending on someone for something; can’t be able to do something due to dependenceRate it:
ties that bindcommon things that cause people to be close to one another and/or give them a sense of belongingRate it:
tiger teamA specialized group tasked with testing the effectiveness of an organization's ability to protect assets by attempting to circumvent, defeat or otherwise thwart that organization's internal and external security.Rate it:
tiger teamAn engineering or other group assembled to tackle especially difficult or critical problems, often outside the normal chain of command.Rate it:
tight as a duck's arseExtremely tight, mean, excessively thriftyRate it:
tight lippedtaciturnRate it:
tight lippedNot speaking; silent.Rate it:
tight lipsOf a person, silence or reticence.Rate it:
tight shipA well-organized and highly disciplined organization.Rate it:
tight spotA difficult position.Rate it:
tight-lippedHaving the lips pressed together.Rate it:
tight-lippedUnwilling to divulge information.Rate it:
tighten one's beltTo be more frugal. To make difficult economic savings due to a lowering of expected income.Rate it:
tighten the purse stringsTo decrease spending or disallow increased spending; to increase control of spending.Rate it:
tighten upTo make sufficiently tight.Rate it:
tighten upTo fix something or make it correct.Rate it:
tighten upTo become tense and restrained.Rate it:
tighten upTo become stringent and ungenerous.Rate it:
tighten upTo become focused and serious; To stop any vacillation or inconsistency.Rate it:
Tighten Your BeltLiving in financial constraints; making sacrifice and diminishing the living standardsRate it:
tighter than Dick's hatbandAlternative form of as tight as Dick's hatbandRate it:
tightfistedBeyond thrifty or just frugal, someone unwilling to spend any money.Rate it:
till death do us partA common phrase said between the bride and the groom at a Christian wedding, indicating togetherness and commitment.Rate it:
Till The Cows Come HomeFor a very long timeRate it:
till the wheels fall offliteral meaning - to drive a car until it won't run any more; figurative meaning - dedicated to the end; indicates relentless effort, commitment to something until it is no longer viable/possible/usableRate it:
tilt at windmillsTo attack imaginary enemies.Rate it:
tilt at windmillsTo go on a wild goose chase; to persistently engage in a futile activity.Rate it:
tilting at windmillsTilting at windmills is an English idiom which means "attacking imaginary enemies", originating from Miguel de Cervantes' novel Don Quixote.Rate it:
time after timeAgain and again; repeatedly; every time; always.Rate it:
time alone will tellAlternative form of time will tellRate it:
time and materialA form of contractual compensation involving payment for materials used and at agreed rates for the those involved in performing the services.Rate it:
time and tideShortened form of time and tide wait for no manRate it:

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