Found 1,960 phrases starting with T: Page #26


tip outAn amount or percentage of a server's tips that the server shares, either voluntarily or as mandated in a tip sharing or tip pooling agreement, with other employees such as bussers, bartenders, back waiters and host/hostesses whose job duties indirectly assist the server.Rate it:
tip overAn action where the goalkeeper deflects the ball over the crossbar.Rate it:
tip the scaleTo change the fortunes, either positively or negatively.Rate it:
tip the scaleTo weigh (have a certain weight).Rate it:
tip the scalesTo turn to one side a balanced situation.Rate it:
tip upTo tilt something upward in order to discharge its contents.Rate it:
tip-offAn obvious clue or indication.Rate it:
tipping it downRaining heavily.Rate it:
tipsy turvyupside downRate it:
tiptoe aroundUsed other than as an idiom: see tiptoe, around.Rate it:
tiptoe aroundTo act very cautiously about something; to avoid speaking about a painful or controversial issue.Rate it:
tire fireA disaster; a chaotic person, thing, or situation.Rate it:
tire outTo make someone tired; to exhaust.Rate it:
tired and emotionalDrunk.Rate it:
tit for tatEquivalent retribution, an eye for an eye, returning exactly what you get.Rate it:
tit for tatHat.Rate it:
tits uplying down, face up.Rate it:
tits upcompletely failed so as to become inactive.Rate it:
tits-upLying down face up.Rate it:
tits-upBroken; failed; inoperable.Rate it:
tits-upDead.Rate it:
titsupAlternative spelling of tits-up.Rate it:
tittle along sonnyI haven’t got time to listen to your nonsenseRate it:
TKOInitialism of technical knockout.Rate it:
TL/DNRInitialism of Too long / Did not read.Rate it:
TL;DRAlternative form of tl;drRate it:
tl;drToo long; didn’t read. Used to indicate that one did not read a text, or to introduce a short summary of an overly long text.Rate it:
TLDNRAlternative form of TL/DNRRate it:
TMAIInitialism of tell me about it.Rate it:
tmgTrimethylgallium, the most preferred metalorganic source of Gallium used in MOCVD of compound semiconductors for opto-electronics applications.Rate it:
tmgtrimethylglycineRate it:
TMTOWTDIAcronym of there's more than one way to do it : a motto associated with the Perl programming language.Rate it:
TNLNInitialism of took nothing, left nothing.Rate it:
to 'put out''put out'; To engage in 'heavy petting' or 'sexual congress'. a Depression expression, may be archaic:Rate it:
to a certain extenta phrase to indicate a statement is true to a limited degree; partly true but not completely trueRate it:
to a fare-thee-wellTo the greatest extent or to completion; to a state of refinement or perfection.Rate it:
to a faultTo an excessive degree; extremely.Rate it:
to a manunanimouslyRate it:
to a nicetyTo a fine point, with great exactness or accuracy.Rate it:
to a tPrecisely; exactly; perfectly; with great attention to detail.Rate it:
to a turnTo perfection.Rate it:
to all intents and purposesFor every functional purpose; in every practical sense; in every important respect; practically speaking.Rate it:
to and froTo go back and forth; to alternate.Rate it:
to attain one' age of wisdomTo reach an age of maturity, to grow old.Rate it:
to be a lonley islandA person who singles out himself from others group consistently.Rate it:
to be a queen beeOne whom has a personality and a history of integrity, coupled with a natural diplomatic aura is bound for a successful and rewarding public career.Rate it:
to be an open bookAn individual's life can be unrestricted in intimate details and become as an open book.Rate it:
to be continuedUsed at the end of an episode to indicate that the story continues in the next episode.Rate it:
to be continuedUsed to indicate that a story under discussion has not concluded, either in narration or in reality.Rate it:
to be faced downto be finishedRate it:

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A football game starts with a kick _______.
A up
B out
C on
D off