Found 1,960 phrases starting with T: Page #32


touch of the tar brushOf South Asian or Afro-Caribbean in their background and/or in their appearance.Rate it:
touch offTo start; to cause, especially used for unstable situations that may magnify if disturbed.Rate it:
touch onTo mention briefly.Rate it:
touch onTo come or go to for a short time.Rate it:
touch oneselfTo masturbate.Rate it:
Touch Something with Ten-Foot PoleAvoiding something at every cost; staying away from problematic situationsRate it:
touch the hem of someone's garmentTo give respect or reverence to someone; to express servitude to someone; to draw strength or comfort from someone who is superior.Rate it:
touch upTo make slight corrections or adjustments; to fill in or perfect.Rate it:
touch upTo touch or to grope someone in flirtatious or sleazy way.Rate it:
touch uponAlternative form of touch onRate it:
touch with a barge poleGet romantically involved with.Rate it:
touch woodTo make contact with wood to avert bad luck, in accordance with a folk practice.Rate it:
touch woodHopefully; said while touching something wooden, to avert superstitious bad luck from what has just been said.Rate it:
touch%c3%a9An acknowledgement of a hit.Rate it:
touch%c3%a9An acknowledgement of the success, appropriateness or superiority of an argument, sometimes used sarcastically to mock one's opponent's absurd logic.Rate it:
touch%c3%a9Used in a conversation or debate to concede a point as true, often in response to a successful counter of one's own logic.Rate it:
touch-and-goPrecarious, delicate, dangerous, risky, sensitive or of uncertain outcome.Rate it:
touch-move ruleIn chess, a rule that states any piece touched deliberately by a player, when it is their turn to move, must be moved if a legal move is possible.Rate it:
touched in the headDemented, slightly mentally deficient.Rate it:
touchy-feelyDriven by intuition or emotion, with a connotation of de-emphasis of rational thought or logic.Rate it:
touchy-feelyHaving a fondness for physical contact with other people, especially to an excessive degree.Rate it:
touchy-feelyAppealing to emotion, sympathy, or romance.Rate it:
tough as a tissueThe phrase refers to a person or physical form being as tough as a tissue. Tissues not being at all resistant to items such as wind or someone lifting it then it isn’t so tough is it? Mostly used as an insult.Rate it:
tough as nailsHaving a hard, strong, and determined mindset / mentality.Rate it:
tough as old bootsVery tough (very strong)Rate it:
tough callA choice or judgment which is difficult to make, especially one involving only two alternatives.Rate it:
tough cookieA person who can endure physical or mental hardship; a hardened, strong-willed person.Rate it:
tough cookiesplural form of tough cookieRate it:
tough cookiesToo bad (for you); the outcome one desires is not likely to evolve, due to active intervention by the speaker.Rate it:
tough goingA difficult situationRate it:
tough loveThe compassionate use of stringent disciplinary measures, to attempt to improve someone's behavior.Rate it:
tough luckBad luck.Rate it:
tough nut to crackA difficult or sticky problem.Rate it:
Tough Nut to CrackSomething that’s not much easier to understand or difficult to do; harder to solve a problemRate it:
tough outTo endure.Rate it:
tough row to hoeA difficult or arduous task.Rate it:
tough times never last because if you believe you can be tougherTough times don’t last if you believeRate it:
tough tittiesplural form of tough tittyRate it:
tough tittiesToo bad (for you); the outcome one desires is not likely to evolve, due to active intervention by the speaker.Rate it:
tough tittyToo bad (for you); the outcome one desires is not likely to evolve, due to active intervention by the speaker.Rate it:
tough toodlesToo bad (for you); the outcome one desires is not likely to evolve, due to active intervention by the speaker.Rate it:
tough tuchusToo bad (for you); the outcome one desires is not likely to evolve, due to active intervention by the speaker.Rate it:
toughen upTo make or become mentally tougher.Rate it:
tourner autour du potTo beat around the bush.Rate it:
tout de suiteImmediately, right away.Rate it:
tower blockhigh-rise buildingRate it:
tower overto be much taller or higher than something; to loom overRate it:
town and gownOn one hand, the members of the city, borough, or similar community near a university and, on the other hand, the students and faculty of the university itself, especially when understood as rivals in a state of tension or conflict.Rate it:
toxic individualismAn insistence that one's individual "rights" supersede the commonweal, taken to such an extreme that it destroys relationships and communities.Rate it:
toy boyA young male lover of an older woman or man.Rate it:

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I think you're missing the wood for the ________.
A tyre
B trees
C pyre
D fire