
Phrases related to: know your enemy Page #7

Yee yee! We've found 977 phrases and idioms matching know your enemy.

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I beg your pardonA phrase used to express an apology for an action.Rate it:

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I beg your pardonA phrase used to request something, for example if a statement was not heard.Rate it:

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i find your lack of x disturbingIndicates disapproval at someone lacking X.Rate it:

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I'm your huckleberryI am your partner; I will join you; I will work with you; I will fight you; I will dance with you.Rate it:

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if brains were dynamite you wouldn't have enough to blow your nose.You're really stupid.Rate it:

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in your dreamsUsed to express the speaker's skepticism about another's preceding statement about a desired or assumed state of affairs.Rate it:

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in your faceAn exclamation of derision or contempt.Rate it:

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is that a gun in your pocket or are you just pleased to see meIndicates the speaker has noticed an erection underneath the interlocutor's clothes.Rate it:

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Jump down Your ThroatTo scream and shout at someone in an angry wayRate it:

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Keep Something under Your HatTo hold off disclosing something, not to reveal something secretRate it:

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keep your britches on!"Be Patient", "Keep Your Pants ON!", "Don't Get All Excited!"Rate it:

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Keep Your Ear to the GroundBe focused and well aware of what is happening aroundRate it:

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keep your eye on the ballRemain Focused, Determined, AlertRate it:

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keep your feet on the groundmaintain a sense of composure, refuse to get all up in the air over any reversal.Rate it:

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Keep Your Fingers CrossedTo wish someone or something a good luck and successRate it:

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keep your heads down!A military admonishment to infantrymen while crawling under barbed wire or across terrain toward the enemy.Rate it:

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Keep Your Nose to the GrindstoneImpelled to keep one self-busy all the time, always working hardRate it:

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Keep Your Shirt OnTo remain patient and cool, not to get angry and enraged and to control one’s temperedRate it:

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Kick Up Your HeelTo cheer, celebrate and having good time, to rejoice oneselfRate it:

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Laugh Out of the Other Side of Your MouthTo made to feel sad after some happiness and excitementRate it:

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Lay Your Cards on the TableTo be open in discussing plans and facts, to reveal something candidly to someoneRate it:

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lay your cards on the tableTo be ​honest about ​your ​feelings and ​intentions.Rate it:

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let me answer your last question firstA response given to a person who was asked multiple questions.Rate it:

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Let Your Hair DownTo act in a natural way, revealing ones real self, to behave in a free and relaxing mannerRate it:

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let your hair downTo relaxRate it:

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lose your wayTo lose one’s direction in life.Rate it:

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lying through your teethA repulsive, indictment and accusation as to someone's statements or assertions. It smacks of a strong objection to the veracity of verbiage of another. Usage will enhance degradation and destroy any amicability.Rate it:

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make your head spinStaggering exasperationRate it:

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mind your mannersbehave correctly; have good mannersRate it:

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mind your own beeswaxSee mind your own business.Rate it:

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mind your own businessMind your own business means that we should do our work we should not bother about any others work; pay attention to what you are doing and not to what I am doing.Rate it:

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Mind Your P's and Q'sTo pay full attention to the exact details, watch your manners, to behave carefully, to show good mannersRate it:

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Money Burns a Hole in Your PocketSomeone who is always eager to spend the money, couldn’t resist from spending the money as soon as you have itRate it:

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No Skin off Your NosePoses no risk or concern to anyone, It will not affect you, no harm to anyoneRate it:

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none of your bee's waxAlternative form of none of your beeswax.Rate it:

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none of your bees' waxAlternative form of none of your beeswax.Rate it:

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none of your beeswaxA riposte to badgering questioning, expressing a refusal to answer, and an insistence that the questioner cease prying any further.Rate it:

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not on your lifeAbsolutely not; under no circumstances.Rate it:

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not on your nellyNot on your life, an emphatic form of no.Rate it:

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not on your tintypeAn answer indicating outright rejection or denial; no way; absolutely not.Rate it:

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not your father'sRecently changed, made unconventional through modernisation.Rate it:

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Off the Top of Your HeadWithout careful thought, without any investigationRate it:

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On the Tip of Your TongueAlmost remembered, almost but not quite brought to mind, unable to remember preciselyRate it:

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on your todOn your ownRate it:

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on your toesBe aware,of your surroundings, know exactly what is expected, know your stuff and act accordingly. Be awake!Rate it:

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Over Your HeadBeyond one’s comprehension, in a situation that is difficult for you to handleRate it:

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paint your back door red!Fixing to get hiney whooped!Rate it:

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penny for your thoughtsUsed to inquire into the thoughts and feelings of another, especially when the person appears pensive or conflicted.Rate it:

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play your cards rightto behave in a way that gives you an advantage or allows you to succeed at somethingRate it:

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Pull All Your Eggs into One BasketTo take all your chances on one plan or idea, to use all your options at one timeRate it:

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C a cinch
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